God is with us!

The story of the promise to be fulfilled as the word is spoken into a birthed human, and in the most dramatic way possible, God becomes hu-man (and therefore, also hu-woman).

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It begins

We are not quite through with the third week of Advent and we begin to taste the genealogy, the passing on of the heritage to the generations to come, the fulfillment through the line of David, the imminent coming of the Lord the Messiah.

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Listen. See. Take it into your heart.

And the Gospel warns that some will not hear, nor see, nor take it into the heart and will miss it, misname it, judge it, falsify it, refuse it, and in their own way become disconnected! And don’t blame God for it. God promised eternal connection, never cutting off or blotting away.

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Do the right thing

Actually, it seems a little strange, weird — and ugly, even — that God calls Jacob a worm and Israel a maggot. It also is always a little difficult to hear about the violence, war, conquering, and other social upheaval that God would create.

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