But faith has to go deeper.
Continue readingTag Archives: Hebrews
The Lord is light, salvation — it must remain so for us in order to live an optimal Christian life
That is so, and it must be so, and it also must remain so.
Continue readingThese stories of healing, faith have much to share, say to us
This two-in-one story of healing and faith has much to share and much to say to us.
Continue readingWe see and hear the Promise in Christ
The same promise that finally that long-cascading procession of Old Testament names could finally discover: the Son of the Most High God indeed was fulfilling it all.
Continue readingWhy are you terrified?
Maybe this God, in all kinds of ways and through all kinds of things — and in both good and bad times, and in joy and pain and sorrow — maybe this God truly has come to his people.
Continue reading‘Live by faith’ is the mantra
These parables provide understanding and help us to be able to welcome the life of God’s kingdom into our spirit and our souls.
Continue readingA love moment
There are so many multiple ways that we can “give our lives” for another.
Continue readingWe are given a spiritual dignity not unlike Melchizedek
Blessed by this word of God, we are all offered the opportunity.
Continue readingThe word of God penetrates between soul and spirit
And more than just looking at us or getting an X-ray-like picture of us, this word and these words are “spirit and life,” and they in fact do give us spirit and life.
Continue readingLet the dance begin
Are we ready to go through the roof, be forgiven, given back the dance, and simply be amazed again and again and again?
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