St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s path took many unexpected turns because she followed God’s will rather than her own. In her obedience lay the source of the wisdom with which she taught others to follow in God’s ways. Like Elizabeth, do we begin to get the idea that Jesus the Christ wants to get into us and through us to reach others?
Continue readingTag Archives: John
With John’s help, we grow in our understanding of God
He does not know what we shall be, but then proclaims we will see the Lord “as he is.”
Continue readingA final call to remain in him!
Like Sts. Basil and Gregory, who learned God’s truth and practiced it faithfully in charity, may we welcome the anointing that keeps one faithful and away from falsehood.
Continue readingGod’s word can turn stomachs, but we still have to consume it
Today on this memorial of St. Cecilia, if we accept that God, somehow, is in all of this, let’s expect some mystery and meaning that might take us somewhere new.
Continue readingBelievers believing for the first time
And what Jesus had said some years before was indeed coming true in them, and before them, and among them.
Continue readingAn amazing journey of faith and prayer
The entire Mass is a prayer to the Father through Jesus, his Son.
Continue readingThe ordinary gets an upgrade
Yes, the simple became simply amazing!
Continue readingThrough the washing of the feet, Jesus became a servant, model for us
And we celebrate in and through the meal given to us by Jesus Christ, the one in which the Christ becomes spiritual food, and also gives life.
Continue readingHe was raised, and we will all be there one day
Jesus never faltered in his absolute belief and confidence in his Father.
Continue readingWhat impression will ‘the hour’ make on us?
And “that hour” was not a matter of 60 minutes; that hour was the suffering and death, and burial and resurrection. The hour of glory.
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