That is, we do not believe in “Pie in the sky when we die.”
Continue readingTag Archives: Looking Ahead
Don’t fall overboard from the call Jesus has for us
Jesus deepens his relationship with Peter.
Continue readingSin’s destruction should lead us directly to restoring, healing
If people accept law and order, there are always consequences. In fact, nothing in this life happens without consequences.
Continue readingThe hour that changed human history forever
What he preached and what he did were one in the same. There was no difference. He lived his word.
Continue readingNotice the central role the Holy Spirit has in your faith, life
Do we know how to listen and respond?
Continue readingGrace and light abound
Jerusalem, also, will become the city of darkness on that sad and dark, dark, day that we now call the Feast of the Holy Innocents. It is when Herod, in a rage, murders innocent children.
Continue readingThey spoke and listened to each other
Is not this evidence of wholeness, holiness, and a healthy quality of life?
Continue readingJustice is God’s goodness
No one goes without. No one is abandoned. The goods of the world belong to all.
Continue readingIn spite of our busy world, perhaps we can hear Jesus’ voice, recognize God’s presence
Perhaps it is when we are lost in our blindness, have surrendered to voiceless cries, gotten stuck in paralyzing moments, and can’t hear because of our deafness or feel because of our hardness of hearts, that God is most near and listening most deeply to us.
Continue readingOne cannot live on following the rules alone
Accept it. Discover its truth. Be grateful that God is, that God is love, that God always loves, and that to let go is to find the gift.
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