And is not there always more to see, more to hear, more to know, more to find?
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The fruitfulness flowing from, through our spirit is ripened all the more with understanding
And as we grasp and come to know in ways that are profoundly Godlike, God’s truth shines in us and brings peace and fullness of spirit and living, and goodness and God-ness in us.
Continue readingWe are given a spiritual dignity not unlike Melchizedek
Blessed by this word of God, we are all offered the opportunity.
Continue readingWe can call ourselves brothers and sisters in the Lord — and mean it!
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor A reflection on the daily readings, for Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry. It is the first day in ordinary time, having just completed the Christmas Season yesterday with […]
Continue readingThe Passion of Christ helps shape our way of thinking
This is why the church seeks to think through and attempt to communicate logical, thoughtful and wise ways to live our lives as Christians.
Continue readingLent means going into the desert and letting go
It is precisely in our nakedness and emptiness, weariness and loneliness that we most find our God.
Continue readingDoes Jesus’ power reach into us? Does his word have authority, leave us spellbound?
The evangelist Mark presents a Jesus to us that has power over demons, over nature, over human illness. Do we find that when he calls we always wish to follow — “Your will”?
Continue readingThis Gospel is a plea on our behalf to seek out the good, a response that will bring life
Today, let us put an end to hardness of heart and seek to open our hearts to compassion and love.
Continue readingEven in our sins, Jesus is firmly committed to his friendship, love with us
May this “insight,” this “new awareness,” grow within us that we may discover the power of Christ’s love within us each day.
Continue readingHope is its own reward
Hope does not require another end or goal. If what we hope for does not come about, was hope hopeless?
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