Anyone can judge it, but a true disciple sees it with compassion and loves as Christ loves.
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God wants to form us into Christian warriors
Do you form warriors with easy, peaky, weaky words; or do you shout out commands to toughen and roughen them up?
Continue readingBiblical storytelling at its very best
What’s more, the murderous plot to destroy Jesus would come, but not just yet. It would be incubated for 33 years, and then it would be a communal tantrum of, yes, the jealous leaders — not just one king but many tantrum-filled adults.
Continue readingWe are being drawn to, into the story of all stories
A simple genealogical story opens the door for our coming to learn about where we came from and where we are going, because of this little baby sprung from the Davidic line that would open the doors of eternal life for all who believe.
Continue readingHeaven is glad and the earth rejoices
To experience healing forgiveness — to receive it and/or to offer it to another — brings “soulfulness” into our lives; we are “made new.”
Continue readingLent means going into the desert and letting go
It is precisely in our nakedness and emptiness, weariness and loneliness that we most find our God.
Continue readingLord, be born again to me
Finally, get ready, because we are truly approaching the end that is the beginning, that is the birth of the One we have been and are waiting for.
Continue readingAnything and everything that we do in prayer always works out better
Anything and everything that we do in prayer that brings about a spirit of inner peace and tranquility always works out better. To address someone directly, honestly, repeatedly, and prayerfully is different.
Continue readingEven in our sins, Jesus is firmly committed to his friendship, love with us
May this “insight,” this “new awareness,” grow within us that we may discover the power of Christ’s love within us each day.
Continue readingHope is its own reward
Hope does not require another end or goal. If what we hope for does not come about, was hope hopeless?
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