This, also, may have been a favorite Gospel passage of St. Vincent de Paul, who formed the Congregation of the Mission religious community of men and women, and priests and nuns who were formed to form others.
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Finding God within, among others binds us more deeply than anything else
For us all to discover being true brothers and sisters in Christ, to become the body of Christ in the world is, I think, what Jesus was talking about then and is just as true today.
Continue readingGod’s blessings, graces flow from the simplest of things.
It is the time for each of us to see it, too.
Continue readingJesus reveals a Father who always loves
Or does he withhold his love?
Continue readingGuarding what is ‘entrusted to us’ — the faith
It is up to us also to pay keen attention to the quality of our soil and its openness to hear that word of God and the teachings of Jesus.
Continue readingEternal life today, tomorrow, forever — the richest thing of all
It does not get any better, more direct, more specific or more clear than that.
Continue readingJesus’ call to sinners is true then, is true now
A reflection on the daily readings, for the Feast of St. Matthew, apostle and evangelist, by Father Perry. By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor + In Jesus‘ own words, he proclaimed: “I did not come to call the righteous but […]
Continue readingRecognize that we are called to live as faith-filled people
And, no doubt, Sts. Andrew Kim and Paul Chong could echo the same words of Paul and Jesus.
Continue readingFrom death comes new life — the early church was built upon that
Today, more than 2,000 years later, we continue to believe and to preach and to experience the same Lord and the same love and the same life.
Continue readingHaving faith, a good attitude is amazing grace
And even Jesus was amazed.
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