Like Sts. Basil and Gregory, who learned God’s truth and practiced it faithfully in charity, may we welcome the anointing that keeps one faithful and away from falsehood.
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We ought to remain anointed in his truth
And so, in this context we can ask ourselves just how well we can identify the Christ in our lives, and identify the Father — our Father, who art in heaven!
Continue readingHumility is like a door that keeps the mind, heart, spirit open
Pride is such a pernicious attitude and way of being that deceives at fundamental levels and helps to allow that deception to convince us of non-truth.
Continue readingDo we appreciate the life that the Christ has won for us?
As we begin, on this second day of 2021, there has never been a more urgent need for followers of the Christ — the Holy One — to know who we are and why we are fellow disciples of the Lord.
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