It is God’s will that we ask and receive

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry, for Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time.
+ One might recall the parable about the man who hired people in the morning and throughout the day into the late afternoon, and gave them all the same wage.
Of course the ones hired first were furious because they worked the whole day and those that worked one hour got paid the same wage.
And yet, it was the wage that had been waged. And the famous and amazing response of the owner who offered the jobs, said to the complaining workers: “Am I not free to do what I want with my money and are you jealous because I am generous?”
Come on, Jonah; are you jealous because I am merciful? And by the way, check out your behavior and your sad and bad thinking.
I sent a gourd plant to shade you and, to your credit, you were delighted. But when it was taken from you and you were hot and uncomfortable, you complained.
When I was merciful to Nineveh you complained. You were more upset that the plant died and you had to endure the heat than if I had wiped away 120,000 people!
Do the math — shade for one versus death for 120,000. What is wrong with this picture?
But let it be known, little prophet man: I am merciful. I am loving. My will and my Father’s will daily is to give you your daily bread, what you need, how you can accomplish, what in your spirit must grow.
God (now speaking) tells you that I will send to you my only Son who will teach you how to pray, and what you are to say, and how you are to think of me and my mercy and my love that is and always will be there for you.
It is my will that you ask and receive.
Kind of a way for us to be in daily communion in word and in spirit.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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