The church aids the human race in trying to figure out how we can live

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our series of reflections on the Sunday readings, for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Hosanna to the Son of David,” shouts the crowd as the liturgy of Palm (Passion) Sunday begins.
Crucify him!” is shouted just as loudly, and brings to a conclusion the readings from the Gospel reading of the Passion of Mark.
A crowd simply cannot be any more fickle than this. The crowd is a classic example of a mob — easily excited and easily manipulated. The crowd doesn’t think for itself. The crowd doesn’t know what is really happening, but only perceives the feeling welling up within itself.
If a convincing voice cries out “murder,” then the crowd must provide the one to be murdered. The crowd is so easily used to achieve even horrific ends. This scene is an old scene; it is a present scene, and it is the future.
It is, simply, human.
Although history teaches lessons, it doesn’t necessarily teach people how to think or how to live moral lives. This is one reason the church believes in the need for the forming of consciences.
This is why the church seeks to think through and attempt to communicate logical, thoughtful, and wise ways to live our lives as Christians.
The church is not perfect. The church has made mistakes throughout history. But the church certainly makes an honest and helpful contribution to the human race in attempting to figure out how we can live. Not like crowds and mobs, but rather like thoughtful, caring, and faith-filled followers of Jesus Christ!
Quote of the week |
“You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.” — Buddha.
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