We welcome you to call us or visit the parish office if you do not have any one of the three Sacraments of Initiation: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist (first communion). We will help you find the preparation process you need.
The origin and foundation of Christian baptism is Jesus. Before starting his public ministry, Jesus submitted himself to the baptism given by John the Baptist.
REFERENCE | How to make your first communion
The Eucharist is the sacrament in which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The church teaches that Christ is really present in the bread and wine that have been consecrated by the priest at Mass.
REFERENCE | How to enroll in confirmation classes
Confirmation, together with the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist, is the last of the Sacraments of Initiation. Through confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and strengthened for service to the body of Christ.
REFERENCE | How to make a good confession | Confession times
The sacrament of confession (also known as penance, or sacrament of reconciliation) is a sacrament in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest's absolution.
Anointing of the sick
REFERENCE | How to receive anointing
This sacrament, together with the sacrament of reconciliation, forms the Sacraments of Healing. It is powerful and meant to be given to the sick during a time of illness. Before the Second Vatican Council it was known as "extreme unction."
REFERENCE | How to get married at St. Bernard Catholic Church.
The marriage covenant refers to the relationship between the husband and wife, a permanent union of persons capable of knowing and loving each other and God.
Holy Orders
REFERENCE | Visit our Vocations page
Ordination is the sacramental ceremony in which a man becomes a deacon, priest, or bishop and enabled to minister in Christ's name and that of the church. Together with the sacrament of matrimony, holy orders forms the Sacraments at the Service of Communion.